Mini Clip I Need Picture Or Mini Clip Of What Happens To The Body When Vaccinated For Polio?

I need picture or mini clip of what happens to the body when vaccinated for polio? - mini clip

Images need or mini-clip of what is happening in the body when they have been vaccinated against polio, and what happens to your body when it is not vaccinated. An animated image or a video clip would be great.

I need it for a class presentation

thnx u!


Anama said...

Nothing happens in the body if they are vaccinated outside the body starts producing antibodies against the polio virus ..
Nothing has been vaccinated for the United Nations agency differ, if they are infected, then the effect of the disease in each individual case to case, and there is no right answer.
Here for more information on the poliomyelitis-Go ...

and video: ...

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