Pics Of Labia Art Wife Photo Shoot Went From Artistic Nude To Erotica. Should I Be Pissed Or Proud?

Wife photo shoot went from artistic nude to erotica. Should I be pissed or proud? - pics of labia art

My wife is a part-time model at the local university. Not the kind of model of the runway in everything she is thin but not skinny. The model nude for art classes. Was asked to take by a photographer in the class in order for him to pose. We have his work seen very, very good. Sometimes a low risk. She said that this was not his style, but would bring in the rule.
When he took tons of digital photos. "She said please do not be angry. It was nothing personal, and do not even want to start, but is now very proud of her photos and she feels so sexy incredibably"
The pictures begin nude normal B & W. Very tasteful. Then he stood with another male model. He has once for the class, no big deal. He approached them and was more erotic. One was a close-up from the tip of the APEnis rubbed his lips. The last picture I had her hand around his erection and I had an idea of seeds in his hand to catch.
She swore it was not just no sex at all, oral sex, vaginal or anal. She said she just kind of product. She said that the photographer creates such a state of mind sexy intense and she felt like a goddess, seemed to be nature. She said it was only for pictures and she did not even get to know and have no interest in it at all.

Incrediably She is so proud of them and feels sexier than ever. Their self-esteem is very high
Should I go mad or proud?
Is this a problem?


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