Christian Greetings For New Born Baby Does Yahoo Have Any Place To Send Scams That Are Sent To Us?

Does Yahoo have any place to send Scams that are sent to us? - christian greetings for new born baby

I received a scam from a user account from Yahoo and want to report. I'll see if I can e-mail here. ::

Good day.

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus me

Mrs.kudirat Kelly, widow of the late Mr. James Kelly,

I am 68 years old, and I am a new convert to Christianity

the long-term breast cancer. Of

all indications my condition is really deteriorating

and it is obvious that I will not live more than

three months after my doctors. Because

Stage of cancer has a very bad phase. I

I do not want your pity, but I need your trust.

My husband was killed during the disadvantages USRA

Terrorism in Afghanistan, we have married ourselves to eleven

no children. Before his death, was born

again Christians. Since his death I decided not to

They marry, or a child outside my matrimonial home,

WHICH Bible is against. When my late husband

Live, he had deposited the sum of the


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