Help other ideas, such as facilitating PESTISIBES REPTILE?


lorimart... said...

Reptile Relief is, unfortunately, the only sure way to get rid of mites. Inadvertently, I sprayed in the face and not an unpleasant taste, not that. You can buy a liter bottle and put it in a spray bottle.
In any case, here's what to do.
Mites are a pain in the ass. We brought the mites in the house by the use of snakes in the reptile shop time. The treatment of scabies is a long time. Take advantage of the snake and put it in a plastic tub ... enough water (warm about 80 degrees Celsius) to cover the back of the queue. The serpent enjoy while you proceed as follows. Enjoy all the accessories in a cage outside the cage, if the documents that are not available ... the book in a plastic bag attached to the top. I'll tell you what to do with them. Cage with other accessories, shell and hides in the tub and get completely covered with hot water. Spray the substrate with a relief of reptile that kills mites, which fall to the ground while filling the substrate binding pocket at the tip rubbish bag and take it to the dump. Free spRadius of your emergency tank reptile ... I refer to the whole body spray. Remove the lid of the tank everywhere you go. Let stand for 10 minutes. If the tank is light enough to carry the hose in the yard and then dry completely, so that the pipe from above. Remove the lid back into the rear tank Sprinkle lightly with reptile relief and a towel to dry the car. Put new substrate in the tank and put the bowl of water and hides again
Back to the snake now. Make sure the snake's face was for a second because otherwise the mites only dipped into the face of running ... Overview. Take the water snake takes a cotton swab or cotton ball and spray some reptile relief and use it to reach the top of the head, snakes ... reptiles, snakes do not get relief in the eyes or nose or mouth, but I understand at the top of the head and under her chin. Then, spray your body with snakes, reptiles relief and their hands to make sure you get around other snakes around the body. You get to use a dry cloth to wipe the excess ... You do not drip line, but he wants everything his snake. Then you can snake back in his tank. So before you take your heat lamp back on a cotton ball and wipe it with a little help from reptiles ... Mites are everywhere ... are bad!
If you have any pictures of the snake in the oven (250 to 275 degrees Fahrenheit) for 2 to 3 hours. It is Cool completely before reuse.
The bad news is that you could do it twice, three days to break the life cycle of the mites. They are a bit like getting rid of fleas, with more than one treatment. As I said before, we store reptile mite, but I did and I had to do two treatments and the mites are gone. If you do not want the substrate normal, until the mites are gone use will not harm to use white paper towels for lining the cage of snakes, white paper towels, you can also more easily mites, so they know exactly when the mites to leave. And then, having eradicated the mites, the substrate can move normally again, if you can bring the substrate of cypress mulch used to be frozen before use and then for a weekat room temperature before using it or you can bake at 250 to 270 degrees Celsius for 2 hours in a container. Me too, if I buy a new substrate ... I freeze for a week then thaw and cook and cool down before it in my snake cage. I always think, because I will never again mites. Snakes 14 as I was treated with the mites ... It literally made me clean the whole day in the cages.
It probably takes about an hour or 2 throughout the process.
Reptile Relief is the only thing that can hurt entirely for use in cases other reptiles, or even kill the snake safely. It's a long time, but what is really the only sure way to get rid them of mites.
Good luck !!!!!!

Abi said...

Ok. The first thing you can do is take \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ for the vet. You can give a shot or something to resist the mites. If you do not see the vet is what you should do. Mites snake can not harm humans or other mammals. However, they should try to reach all the other reptiles in his house.

1. Remove the snake from the cage and immerse them in water. (The bath is done. Make sure that all but his head is under water. They add a little soap in the shell can, but not much. Having him 30 minutes to an hour.

2. While the snake is soaked white cage / environment. Do not miss the net! Snake mites \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ eggs could be hidden anywhere!

3. Put the cage on stilts in small containers with water. Okay, first a container (preferably plastic) and fill it with water to a put or anything that the cage can be transported in water. To do this, with four doses. Next, put a box under each corner of the cage. Mites can be a little soap or walk or something. DO NOT USE ON A flea collar!

4. Line the cage with white paper towels, so that the mites are easily seen.Caca mite is a silver color, so that for the clock.
Mites develop in the night for me very carefully at this time.

5. There are numerous deadly mites exist, but usually very expensive and must be ordered by mail (it would be too long) a little expensive, Mite Off is working for me if my snake has mites (2 weeks also) The house above Remida abhängen.

6. Clean the environment. Were substrate in the cage. Bleach may be slightly milled. Watch for mites in the heat lamp. Remida a homework assignment for my family was a little tea tree oil, put a lot of things around on a paper towel placed on your vacuum and vacuum the carpet. This will kill the mites when they sucked.

7. Snake mites either switched from another branch or off, or is outside and come into contact with the snake can not be transferred to you for the snake.

Keep these methods a few days and then repeat when you see the mites. Check traps bowl of water and see all the dead mites orbefore and be happy.

Some facts:
The mites are not resistant, such as ticks and lice (yay!)
The mites can not be transferred to other mammals.
Always enjoy the snake!
Always lift the cage (water containers and cups)
Repeat the process if anymites be seen after the first washing.

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