Pins And Needles Dizziness What Causes Hands To To Pins & Needles In Them While Sleeping?

What causes hands to to pins & needles in them while sleeping? - pins and needles dizziness

In the 33 weeks and 3 days pregnant and for the last 2 weeks I've noticed that if I sleep with your arms slightly bent and I wake up my hands are numb with pins and I have my arms and weapons right mind HMY directly Sleep Snoring not. That has never happened, so I ask myself what is that?


Lori S said...

It may be carpal tunnel syndrome. If you sleep with flexed wrists, arms and numbness and tingling in the thumb and 1 two fingers. The good news is that after birth, the level of fluid in the body from disappearing. You can buy over the counter rail, around the wrists straight during sleep - Get to know your doc to keep.

Mommy To Jacobi said...

Im not sure if the cause, but when I was pregnant, I woke up in so much pain in my arms and hands, as you explain. I asked my doctor and he said he was well aware that he was asleep. So, if I think the same thing. It is very painful! But think about 5-7 weeks left and will have baby in her arms, and more symptoms of pregnancy! Congratulations! and keep yourself, my dear!

Jenn (Due March 14, 2010) said...

Poor circulation. The child was detected in the blood in the body and thus the blood flow to the rest of his body is slow and not very good. Good for baby something that is not so good for you. I know that finding a good position to sleep is difficult at this stage of pregnancy, but it is best to do what is best for you.

Rocko360 said...

what happens b / c the hands of the blood flow is reduced or cut, what happens when someone says that his arm or leg had fallen asleep

Lady_Mar... said...

Tau's poor blood circulation

karamel... said...

maybe the baby does not ;-(

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